We have an amazing group to care for our children on Sunday’s and Wednesday’s. But more importantly our group does more than that, they check in and make sure that they have everything they need to learn more about God. We have gone on outings with the kids, go to summer camps, have movie nights, and so much more! All while having fun the best part is watching these kids grow into amazing children of God.
Don’t forget that if you bring your bible, are on time to class, and know your memory verse then you get points that will help pay your way to the Arc trip in March!
Our preschoolers will NOT be able to go on this trip, HOWEVER, they have their own trip coming up to be earning points towards!
 New news for our preschool class! 
We are starting Bible Bucks!
every Sunday and Wednesday the kids get to earn ” Bible Bucks” to spend on the last Sunday of the month.
Ways to get their bucks!!!
1 Buck
-Be on time
-Bring their bible
-Good behavior
-Bring a friend 
-Knows their memory verse
Extra Bucks?!?!
-Bring multiple friends
-Know multiple memory verses
-Cleans up after class without being asked
Our school grade class is doing the same thing but with their own twist! they are learning a little bit harder verses and are learning about so many different stories and lessons from the Bible!