Our youth group is one of our main ministries. From going on group trips to spreading love and kindness to others.
We love to spend time together and learn about our community and what it has to offer. But more importantly, we love learning about what God has to offer through us. We push our teens to be the best version of themselves that they can be for God.
We may play hard , but we work even harder for God !
Don’t forget that if you bring your bible, are on time to class, and know your memory verse then you get points that will help pay your way to the Arc trip in March!( scroll down for more info)

Trips coming up :
March- 3rd grade and up will be taking a trip to The Arc!
Each Sunday for Sunday school and each Wednesday Night the kids will get points for bringing their Bible, being on time for class, and knowing their memory verse for the week. These points will be used to help pay their way!